[  Become an approved seller  ]

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fashion conservatory

We invite you to join us. Experience what a truly dedicated Vintage Fashion Resale marketplace should be.

Seller Standards – All Fashion Conservatory sellers must be approved before they can begin listing products in the marketplace. We expect honesty and integrity from our approved sellers and bad apples will be removed for the security of both buyers and sellers.

We’ve Got Your Back - Fashion Conservatory is the only marketplace offering an industry-tested customer service team. We understand the issues you face because we’re vintage sellers too. With our entire staff having hands-on experience in vintage fashion across multiple platforms, we have the ability to offer support like no other platform can.

Standardized Layouts & Charts - Listing layouts are identical between sellers, so buyers can locate vital information at a glance. All sellers use the same size charts & condition charts, so buyers can shop with confidence, finding items in their size and desired condition with ease.

Standardized Return Policies – This is a good thing! If a seller chooses to accept returns, then the Fashion Conservatory return policy applies. If this policy is not right for you, you can choose not to accept returns. Whichever option you select, we will support you. Our return policy is based on industry standards, you can read our return policy here: Fashion Conservatory Return Policy.

Our best-in-class search yields accurate results with the ability to sort by size, era, and condition. Additionally, as a major benefit to sellers, Fashion Conservatory does not throttle or restrict search results. We are a community and all sellers are treated equally.

Free Label Archive - Research is a vital aspect of our industry. We want to make your research easy and as accurate as possible. Browse our Vintage Fashion Label Archive for information about designers, brands and shops. With thousands of label examples and garment images, our archive is a valuable resource for your business.

[  Bottom Line  ]

Fashion Conservatory Fees:
Listings are $0.05 USD each per month
Commission is 10% of the item sale price,
(not including shipping or tax)

Payment Processing through Stripe:
Domestic (USD): 2.9% +$0.30 USD

It’s time for a major change in our industry and that change is Fashion Conservatory.